Higher spin gravity. Spin-gravity coupling for spin-1 particles.

Higher spin gravity. ca/jno1b10x/1940-41-willys-frames.

Originally, it was formulated in the light-cone gauge. ernet. This result is equivalent to taking the minimal model (in the sense of L∞-algebras) of the Jul 1, 2019 · the higher spin gravity b y choosing a appropriate boundary term and the corresponding. Published in: JHEP 09 (2022) 017; Published: Sep 2, 2022. PDF; Other formats . On the gravity side, higher spin gauge symmetries combine with di eomorphisms, mixing the metric with the higher spin elds. The last fact, being in tension with Jun 7, 2021 · We investigate the connection between spacetime wormholes and ensemble averaging in the context of higher spin AdS$_3$/CFT$_2$. The asymptotic symmetries are found to be spanned by a higher spin extension of the BMS3 algebra with an appropriate central extension. We will aim to construct the equations from the ground up in a motivated way. Such linear term play the That is, the resulting spin operators for higher-spin systems in three spatial dimensions can be calculated for arbitrarily large s using this spin operator and ladder operators. We work out spin-3 gravity in detail, showing that our proposal recovers many expected results and computes thermal entropies of black holes with higher spin charge, finding agreement with previous expressions in the literature. This geometry, when Euclideanlized is equivalent to 3-sphere. E-mail: shouvik@cts. A bstractClarifying the locality properties of higher-spin gravity is a pressing task, but notoriously difficult due to the absence of a weakly-coupled flat regime. Dec 21, 2014 · The asymptotic structure of three-dimensional higher-spin anti-de Sitter gravity is analyzed in the metric approach, in which the fields are described by completely symmetric tensors and the dynamics is determined by the standard Einstein-Fronsdal action improved by higher order terms that secure gauge invariance. More precisely, we make use of the one-to-one mapping between operators and symbols thereof for a family of ordering prescriptions that interpolate between and go beyond Weyl and normal orderings. In this thesis we study higher spin theories in three dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant based on the gauge group SL(N,R)xSL(N,R). We construct a covariant form of the corresponding field equations in all orders, thus completing the previous analysis of arxiv:2204. This paper fulfills this goal. The gauging, a la Cartan, of such higher-spin algebras leads to higher-spin gravity theories. V. In doing so we dress a dictionary between the S-matrix and the Lagrangian approaches, exhibiting their relative advantages and weaknesses, after which we high-light potential loop-holes Mar 1, 2019 · We alter Vasiliev’s original bosonic higher spin gravity in any dimension beyond the linearized level by factoring out a modified sp(2) gauge algebra. We then study higher genus corrections and show how this differs from the usual JT gravity calculations. We extend these cubic correlators from local boundary currents to bilocal boundary operators, which contain the tower of local currents in their Taylor It is then shown that the Einstein-Hilbert action in 2+1 dimensions can be expressed as a Chern-Simons action with the gauge group SL(2) × SL(2). In particular, we take into account the holonomy of the Chern-Simons connection which manifests itself as Apr 17, 2020 · A geometric formalism is developed which allows to describe the non-linear regime of higher-spin gravity emerging on a cosmological quantum space-time in the IKKT matrix model. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six Killing Aug 26, 2012 · We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. We use the formulation of the theory as a Chern-Simons gauge theory based on the higher spin algebra hs(1, 1). ) Apr 20, 2022. The spin-rotation coupling derived by Mashhoon by extending the hypothesis of locality can be now derived rigorously from the solutions found. Therefore a generalized notion of geometry is required in these theories, providing a simple toy model for string theory in the low tension regime where higher spin string states become massless. Their classical equations of motion admit anti-de Sitter or de Sitter spacetimes as exact solutions with unbroken higher spin symmetries. We confine ourselves to the static patch of the 3 dimensional de Sitter space. We investigate this issue in the context of the holographic duality Dec 27, 2023 · Abstract: Chiral higher spin gravity is defined in terms of a strong homotopy algebra of pre-Calabi-Yau type (noncommutative Poisson structure). The result is based on an interplay between higher spin symmetries and deformation quantization: a locally equivalent but manifestly background May 30, 2022 · Chiral Higher Spin Gravity with cosmological constant is constructed as a Free Differential Algebra, i. In May 4, 2020 · This is not trivial because it may be necessary to include quantum effects (in the sense of induced gravity a la Sakharov ), and/or to find a way to break the higher-spin gauge invariance beyond spin 2. Boulanger and P. it is also a solution of the Higher-spin gravity theories are extensions of ordinary gravity by massless fields with spin greater than two, based on the gauge principle. 04957 . But in contrast to usual TMG, there is the presence of a non-trivial trace and its logarithmic partner at the chiral point. We also derive the spin-s eigenfunction from Ward identity of W $$ \\mathcal Apr 24, 2019 · We explore non-Gaussian features of a massless spin-two field in the Vasiliev theory of higher-spin gravity. Aug 27, 2010 · We discuss the emergence of W-algebras as asymptotic symmetries of higher-spin gauge theories coupled to three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. We find a special “chiral” point for the spin-three, analogous to the spin-two example, which actually coincides with the usual spin-two chiral point. The main new feature is that there are infinitely many examples of the new theories with a finite number of higher spin fields, much as in the massless case. May 1, 2023 · Recently, a unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in 4d – Chiral Higher Spin Gravity – was given a covariant formulation both in flat and (A) d S 4 spacetimes at the level of equations of motion. We construct a covariant form of the Sep 2, 2022 · We propose a generalization of the Saad-Shenker-Stanford duality relating matrix models and JT gravity to the case in which the bulk includes higher spin fields. We study black hole solutions for the case of N=3 characterized by Aug 21, 2017 · This makes the higher-spin / vector model duality even more profound, as it opens up the opportunity to study the possible higher-spin interactions on AdS space through the consideration of a drastically simpler (free) CFT. Oct 24, 2011 · We propose an action to describe high spin topologically massive gravity with a negative cosmological constant. Relative entropy in higher spin holography Shouvik Datta Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, C. This is done by linking S O (1, 2) spin multiplets with splitted root systems using Tits-Satake diagrams of real forms. The free CFT flows under a double-trace deformation to an interacting CFT in Dec 1, 2022 · Chiral Higher Spin Gravity is a unique class of local higher spin theories; its very existence implies that there is a closed and, most likely, integrable sub-sector of Chern–Simons Matter Theories, which has important consequences both for the theories themselves and for three-dimensional bosonization duality. Aug 26, 2010 · We investigate the asymptotic symmetry algebra of (2+1)-dimensional higher spin, anti-de Sitter gravity. Mar 20, 2019 · We discuss SL(N, ℂ) Chern-Simons higher spin gauge theories in Euclidean AdS3. In previous work, solutions of spin-3 gravity in the SL(3,R) × SL(3,R) Chern-Simons formulation were found, and Oct 7, 2013 · Higher spin gravity as a Chern–Simons theory in 3D. A 44 (2011) 495402 [arXiv:1102. We investigate gravitationally dressed bi-locals, and we study the soft higher spin mode expansion to obtain soft mode eigenfunctions. Sundell, An action principle for Vasiliev’s four-dimensional higher-spin gravity, J. Jun 23, 2011 · Higher spin gravity is an interesting toy model of stringy geometry. We construct a covariant Aug 25, 2012 · We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. We use the formulation of the theory as a Chern-Simons gauge theory based on the higher spin algebra hs(1,1). The rst of these assumptions is very reasonable. The action has the Chern-Simons form for a higher spin extension of the conformal algebra. Nevertheless, it is possible to construct fine-tuned exact solutions that activate low-spin fields without sourcing the higher-spin fields. Aug 26, 2012 · View PDF Abstract: We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. While we pay special attention to the role of bulk holonomies, we focus on the case where the holonomy is in the hyperbolic conjugacy class. These include holographic correlation functions, interaction vertices, on-shell actions, conserved currents, surface charges, and some others. In previous work, solutions of spin-3 gravity in the SL(3,R) x SL(3,R) Chern-Simons formulation were found, and Mar 11, 2011 · We provide global formulations of Vasiliev's four-dimensional minimal bosonic higher spin gravities by identifying structure groups, soldering one-forms and classical observables. it is also a solution of the higher-spin elds to gravity a ect this result, if at all (for conventional elds, they do not [7]). We show that the reduction gives two copies of chiral bosons on the boundary. Our nal assumption is that the CFT contains a tower of higher-spin, single-trace operators Dec 20, 2022 · Conformal Higher Spin Gravity is a higher spin extension of Weyl gravity and is a family of local higher spin theories, which was put forward by Segal and Tseytlin. , at the level of equations of motion. The Question. The CFT3 is the Euclidean Sp(N) vector model with anticommuting scalars. Sep 1, 2022 · A bstract A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in 4 d — Chiral Higher Spin Gravity — was first found in the light-cone gauge. at the level of equations of motion, which is a smooth deformation of its flat space cousin arXiv:2205. We propose a modified version of the conjecture of Gaberdiel and Gopakumar, under which the bulk theory is perturbatively dual to a subsector Review: 3dim higher spin gravity Review of 3-dim higher spin gravity Higher spin theories in d 3 by Vasiliev et al: dW = W ^W; dB = W B B W dS = W S S W S S = C + R(B) AdS/CFT duality to Large N vector model (such as O(N) in d=3) In nite tower of higher spin elds nonlinear coupling of matter nonlocal (in nite number of derivatives) A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in 4d — Chiral Higher Spin Gravity — was first found in the light-cone gauge. We compute the exact partition function thanks to supersymmetric localization and we recover the Sep 1, 2018 · The coupling of spin-3 gauge fields to three-dimensional Maxwell and AdS-Lorentz gravity theories is presented. It is described by a SL(3) × SL Aug 9, 2023 · Conformal Higher Spin Gravity is a higher spin extension of Weyl gravity and is a family of local higher spin theories, which was put forward by Segal and Tseytlin. May 1, 2020 · Chiral higher spin gravity is unique in being the smallest higher spin extension of gravity and in having a simple local action both in flat and (anti-)de Sitter spaces. iisc. We propose a modified version of the conjecture of Gaberdiel and Gopakumar, under which the bulk theory is perturbatively dual to a subsector Mar 20, 2019 · This ‘gauge reduction’ of Higher Spin Gravity demonstrates that the physical content of 4D AdS HS theory is represented by the dynamics of an unconstrained scalar field in 6d. Dec 18, 2023 · We study two-dimensional Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity on the disk topology by using a BF gauge theory in the presence of a boundary term. . For example, taking the Kronecker product of two spin- ⁠ 1 / 2 ⁠ yields a four-dimensional representation, which is separable into a 3-dimensional spin-1 ( triplet Dec 30, 2020 · We give a complete classification of dynamical invariants in 3d and 4d Higher Spin Gravity models, with some comments on arbitrary d. This correspondence allows us to Oct 3, 2012 · We study Vasiliev’s system of higher spin gauge fields coupled to massive scalars in AdS 3, and compute the tree level two and three point functions. 02283 -- referred to as Paper I -- by showing how Vasiliev's 4D higher-spin gravity (HSG) and 3D coloured conformal matter fields coupled to conformal higher-spin gauge fields and colour gauge fields (coloured conformal HSG, or CCHSG) emerge as consistent reductions of a common parent model. Using techniques from modular bootstrap combined with some holographic inputs, we evaluate the partition function of a Euclidean wormhole in AdS$_3$ higher spin gravity. Dec 31, 2021 · Download a PDF of the paper titled Higher spin dynamics in gravity and $w_{1 + \infty}$ celestial symmetries, by Laurent Freidel and 2 other authors Dec 1, 2010 · We investigate the asymptotic symmetry algebra of (2+1)-dimensional higher spin, anti-de Sitter gravity. Higher Spin Gravity Per Kraus 1 . We consider 3dbulk con gurations in higher spin gravity which Apr 1, 2019 · We conclude that the evolution equation (2. As it was shown in [18], [19], a Chern–Simons action whose gauge group is given by SL (N, R) Aug 17, 2021 · Higher Spin Gravities are scarce, but covariant actions for them are even scarcer. ” The vertices include a standard minimal coupling a theory of quantum gravity should admit a completion to a theory with an enlarged spectrum, which includes an in nite tower of higher-spin excitations. We investigate this issue in the context of the holographic duality between the the asymptotic properties of three-dimensional higher-spin gravity in terms of the metric and the higher spin fields, described by the Einstein and Fronsdal-like actions [12,13], which are also relevant to higher spacetime dimensions. Starting from spin-3 gravity and working our way toward the theory of an infinite tower of higher spins coupled to matter, we show how to harness higher spin gauge invariance to consistently generalize familiar notions of black holes. We study the linearized version of the Didenko-Vasiliev “BPS black hole”, which we view as this theory’s equivalent of the fundamental string. g. We show that the time evolution of spin-2 and higher-spin fields can be captured by the classical dynamics of folded Fermi surfaces Jan 18, 2021 · Title: Exploring the gravity sector of emergent higher-spin gravity: effective action and a solution Authors: Stefan Fredenhagen , Harold C. Apr 25, 2023 · We consider minimal type-A higher-spin (HS) gravity in four dimensions, at tree level. With appropriate boundary term, we derive the higher spin generalization of Schwarzian on-shell action. After showing how the usual spin-3 extensions of the AdS and the Poincaré algebras in three dimensions can be obtained as expansions of sl (3, R) algebra, the procedure is generalized so as to define new higher-spin symmetries. For any integer n > 2 we introduce a conformal spin-n2$$ \frac{n We reconsider the Hamiltonian reduction of the action for three dimensional AdS supergravity and W3 higher spin AdS gravity in the Chern-Simons formulation under asymptotically anti-de Sitter boundary conditions. We find solutions that generalize the BTZ black hole and carry spin-3 charge. Jul 1, 2022 · We investigate the formulation of Vasiliev’s four-dimensional higher-spin gravity in operator form, without making reference to one specific ordering. The result is based on an interplay between HS symmetries and deformation quantization: a locally equivalent but manifestly background-independent Oct 29, 2015 · Vasiliev higher spin gravity contains besides higher spin fields also a dynamical scalar field, as well as some auxiliary fields. Starting from spin-3 gravity and working our way toward the theory of an infinite Sep 4, 2013 · A consistent set of asymptotic conditions for higher spin gravity in three dimensions is proposed in the case of vanishing cosmological constant. Stefan Fredenhagen and Olaf Krüger (University of Vienna) together with Karapet Mkrtchyan (Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam) have analysed such theories in a simple 2-dimensional world. Using a PSL(N, ℝ) BF theory we compute the disk and generalization of the trumpet partition function in this theory. In the CFT, conserved Oct 7, 2013 · Remarkably, the spin-3 extension of the Maxwell symmetry allows one to introduce a novel gravity model coupled to higher-spin topological matter with vanishing cosmological constant, which in turn corresponds to a flat limit of the AdS-Lorentz case. These are compared to the large N limit of the W N minimal model, and nontrivial agreements are found. The simplest non-trivial case where this question can be addressed is the quartic self-interaction of the AdS scalar field present in the higher-spin multiplet. Nov 4, 2010 · We discuss the emergence of $ \\mathcal{W} \\mbox{-algebras}$ as asymptotic symmetries of higher-spin gauge theories coupled to three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant. Jan 1, 2014 · Section 10. 2 May 17, 2023 · In this paper, we introduce new sets of boundary conditions for higher-spin gravity in ${\\mathrm{AdS}}_{3}$ where the boundary dynamics of spin-2 and other higher-spin fields are governed by the interacting collective field theory Hamiltonian of Avan and Jevicki. It is also shown that our results can be recovered from the ones recently found for asymptotically AdS3 spacetimes Mar 4, 2024 · This paper completes the analysis initiated in the companion work arXiv:2403. We propose a new class of conformal higher spin gravities in three dimensions, which extends the one by Pope and Townsend. These extensions are expected to provide manageable models of quantum gravity thanks to the infinite-dimensional (higher spin) gauge symmetry constraining them. We propose new diagrammatic rules for this theory, involving both Fronsdal fields and Didenko-Vasiliev particles— linearized versions of HS gravity’s “BPS black hole. This wormhole connects two spacetime boundaries which are tori. Unlike S L (N, R), we show Vasiliev’s higher spin gravities are fully nonlinear extensions of ordinary gravities by higher spin gauge fields as well as specific fields with spin less than two [1, 2] (for reviews, see [3, 4]). , coloured conformal matter fields coupled to conformal higher-spin gauge fields and Mar 1, 2018 · We present exact solutions to Vasiliev’s bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. An overview of various no-go theorems for low-energy scattering of massless particles in flat spacetime is given. These are compared to the large N limit of the WN minimal model, and nontrivial agreements are found. The new model can be embedded together with a dynamical two-form and an extra dynamical one-form into a flat Quillen superconnection. In the asymptotic region the gauge fields are written in the diagonal gauge, where the excitations go along the generators of the Cartan subalgebra of sl beyond usual low-energy symmetries deserve to be called higher-spin symmetries, while the corresponding theories exhibiting these symmetries are higher-spin gauge theories. 1969 NASA concept. The MESSENGER spacecraft entered orbit around Mercury in March 2011, and spent four years observing this nearest planet to our Sun until it was deliberately brought down to the planet’s surface in April 2015. 47(2016) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B No12 LECTURES ON HIGHER SPIN BLACK HOLES IN AdS 3 GRAVITY Alejandra Castro InstituteforTheoreticalPhysics,UniversityofAmsterdam SciencePark904,Postbus94485,1090GLAmsterdam,TheNetherlands May 16, 2022 · A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in $4d$ - Chiral Higher Spin Gravity - was first found in the light-cone gauge. We show that BPST (Belavin-Polyakov-Schwartz-Tyupkin) instanton is an exact solution of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity, i. Jackiw-Teitelboim, Chern-Simons, chiral, conformal). 07794. Such linear term play the role of Mar 26, 2018 · We present exact solutions to Vasiliev’s bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six May 3, 2022 · Higher Spin Gravity refers to extensions of gravity including at least one field of spin greater than two. Aug 29, 2011 · We conjecture that Vasiliev's theory of higher spin gravity in four-dimensional de Sitter space (dS) is holographically dual to a three-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) living on the spacelike boundary of dS at future timelike infinity. The key object we consider in this paper is the partition function of a Euclidean wormhole in higher spin gravity. By extending the gauge group to SL(3) × SL(3) a generalization of Einstein gravity is obtained, yielding a higher spin gravity theory. Steinacker Nov 21, 2023 · We investigate higher spin AdS 3 gravity with real split forms of complex A N B N, C N and D N Lie algebras. However, until recently it has not been clear if such a mechanism is realized. Sammani and 1 other authors Jul 6, 2023 · Broadly speaking, with the ultimate goal being the construction of quantum gravity models, higher-spin program attempts to chart the landscape of consistent field theories scrutinising and, possibly, expanding the consistency requirements along the way. Setting the scalar field constant, Vasiliev higher spin theory may be rewritten as a Chern-Simons theory with Lie-algebra \(hs(\lambda ) \oplus hs(\lambda )\). It also contains the recently discovered covariant forms of Oct 4, 2023 · When you have a higher spin field, it will, in principle, have a stress-energy tensor, and since gravity couples to the stress-energy tensor, it should follow that gravity will naturally couple to this field. We construct a covariant form of this theory as a free differential algebra up to the next-to-leading order, i. We propose new diagrammatic rules for this theory, involving both Fronsdal fields and Didenko-Vasiliev particles---linearized versions of HS gravity's ``BPS black hole. We propose a metric phase whose characteristic Apr 17, 2019 · The researchers looked, most importantly, at the planet’s spin and gravity. N symmetries (with c>N 1) which are dual to nite tower higher spin elds in AdS 3, often dubbed pure higher spin gravity [17]. The basic geometric structure is a frame, which arises from the Poisson structure on an underlying S2 bundle over space-time. Using the flat space version for simplicity, we perform a thorough study of quantum Feb 16, 2023 · Download a PDF of the paper titled Higher Spin Gravity in $AdS_3$ and Folds on Fermi Surface, by Suvankar Dutta and 1 other authors Oct 18, 2013 · Holographic entanglement entropy provides a direct connection between classical geometry and quantum entanglement; however the usual prescription does not apply to theories of higher spin gravity, where standard notions of geometry are no longer gauge invariant. The vacuum solutions are Ricci-flat up to an effective vacuum energy- momentum tensor quadratic in the torsion, which arises from a Weitzenböck-type higher spin connection. The theory contains an infinite tower of interacting gauge fields with increasing spin, and admits four-dimensional asymptotically de Sitter configurations. Could there be any other types of forces? Analysing generalised Higher-Spin interactions is an interesting approach to understand quantum gravity. The actions give examples of complete higher spin theories both in flat and (anti)-de Sitter spaces that feature gauge and gravitational . Precise boundary conditions are given on the fields. In this theory, the cubic correlators of higher-spin boundary currents are reproduced in the bulk by the Sleight-Taronna cubic vertex. First we introduce the topic of semi-classical gravity in three dimensional anti de Sitter space andits conjectured duality with a two dimensional conformal field theory. 4 is devoted to the case of gravity coupled to spin-three fields, including the asymptotic behaviour described in [21, 22], the higher spin black hole solution of [13, 23], and its thermodynamics [24, 25], briefly signaling the agreements and discrepancies found through different approaches. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six Killing Oct 13, 2011 · Higher spin gravity is an interesting toy model of stringy geometry. Current browse context: Nov 23, 2015 · Clarifying the locality properties of higher-spin gravity is a pressing task, but notoriously difficult due to the absence of a weakly-coupled flat regime. Another, perhaps more clear-cut open problem is to find an exact non-linear analog of the (classical) Schwarzschild solution extending the Jul 2, 2010 · Aiming at non-experts, we explain the key mechanisms of higher-spin extensions of ordinary gravity. For this, we consider a constan t background like BTZ blac k. Dec 6, 2017 · A bstractWe present exact solutions to Vasiliev’s bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. We show that there is a remarkable agreement Conformal higher spin (HS) gravity is a HS extension of Weyl gravity and is a family of local HS theories, which was put forward by Segal and Tseytlin. '' The vertices include a standard minimal coupling between particle and gauge field, the Sleight-Taronna cubic vertex for HS fields, and a Oct 23, 2019 · Higher-spin gravity simplifies in three space-time dimensions. Along the way, we develop technology for computing AdS/CFT correlation Jul 9, 2019 · We discuss SL(N, ℂ) Chern-Simons higher spin gauge theories in Euclidean AdS3. Spin-gravity coupling for spin-1 particles. We focus on models involving a finite number of bosonic higher-spin fields, and especially on the example provided by the coupling of a spin-3 field to gravity. e. It must be a closed subsector of any other higher spin theory in four dimensions, which makes it an important building block and benchmark. Boulanger, E. Steinackera aFaculty of Physics, University of Vienna Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria bErwin Schr odinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 9, 1090 Vienna Apr 21, 2022 · There exists a unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in $4d$ - Chiral Higher Spin Gravity. We also derive the spin-s eigenfunction from Ward identity of W Sep 28, 2021 · Higher order approximations can be derived using the iteration procedure . This result is equivalent to taking the Aug 5, 2022 · There exists a unique class of local higher spin gravities with propagating massless fields in $4d$---chiral higher spin gravity. The CFT is the Euclidean Sp(N) vector model with anticommuting scalars. It also contains the recently discovered covariant forms of the higher spin Oct 1, 2012 · We study Vasiliev’s system of higher spin gauge fields coupled to massive scalars in AdS3, and compute the tree level two and three point functions. Although extracting just the quartic self-interaction of the scalar in higher-spin theory does not fully address the question of quartic higher-spin interactions, the resulting vertex can already be used to probe such issues as locality in higher-spin theories. In the internal twistor space of the 4D Vasiliev’s higher-spin gravity, we study the star-product eigenfunctions of number Oct 10, 2022 · We consider type-A higher-spin gravity in AdS4, holographically dual to a free U(N ) vector model on the boundary. The equations of motion will not be displayed here. The system can be equivalently written in a supersymmetric way by introducing auxiliary gauginos and scalars with suitable boundary conditions on the hemisphere. Electromagnetism, nuclear forces, gravity. Higher-spin gravity theories are usually named after the corresponding gravity theory (whose Lie algebra is extended by higher-spin generators), e. For instance, there are recent developments on chiral higher-spin theories which seem to be treatable perturbatively, at the cost of unitarity. This paper is a supplement to and extension of arXiv:1903. The free CFT3 flows under a double-trace deformation to an interacting Exploring the gravity sector of emergent higher-spin gravity: e ective action and a solution Stefan Fredenhagena;b and Harold C. Torsion is expected to be significant only at Oct 24, 2011 · A bstractWe propose an action to describe high spin topologically massive gravity with a negative cosmological constant. A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in 4d — Chiral Higher Spin Gravity — was first found in the light-cone gauge. Implementing massive higher-spin symmetry via a Higher-spin theory or higher-spin gravity is a common name for field theories that contain massless fields of spin greater than two. In general, the new May 4, 2015 · In these lectures, we will study the bosonic theory of higher-spin gravity in four dimensions. 10285. Expanding the gauge connection around asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime, we specify consistent boundary conditions on the higher spin gauge fields. As with the known formality theorems, we prove the A∞-relations via Stokes theories (e. 02301, we initiate an approach to holography based on the AKSZ formalism. Raman Avenue, Bangalore 560012, India. Sep 19, 2022 · A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in 4d — Chiral Higher Spin Gravity — was first found in the light-cone gauge. The actions give examples of complete higher spin theories both in flat and (anti)-de Sitter spaces that feature gauge and gravitational May 26, 2021 · Higher Spin Gravities are scarce, but covariant actions for them are even scarcer. Recent results have shown that such higher-spin theories are strongly restricted by gauge symmetry. In a theory of gravity plus matter of bounded spin, or when gap!1, the tree-level phase shift (0)(S;L) is purely real. Torsion is expected to be significant only at Jun 18, 2013 · For higher spin gravity they provide a natural generalization of these ideas. You clarified your question in a comment, I will highlight below: May 16, 2022 · Abstract: A unique class of local Higher Spin Gravities with propagating massless fields in $4d$ - Chiral Higher Spin Gravity - was first found in the light-cone gauge. The CFT 3 is the Euclidean Sp(N) vector model with anticommuting scalars. The Didenko-Vasiliev solution consists of gauge fields of all spins generated by a particle-like source along a bulk geodesic, and Jun 13, 2024 · A bstractWe elaborate on conformal higher-spin gauge theory in three-dimensional (3D) curved space. Mar 26, 2015 · The asymptotic structure of three-dimensional higher-spin anti-de Sitter gravity is analyzed in the metric approach, in which the fields are described by completely symmetric tensors and the dynamics is determined by the standard Einstein-Fronsdal action improved by higher order terms that secure gauge invariance. On the other hand, a tower of higher-spin particles can generate an imaginary piece for (1)(S;L) at tree-level in 1=N. We first overview various no-go theorems for low-energy scattering of massless particles in flat spacetime. We show that Chiral Higher Spin Gravity is one-loop finite, the crucial point being that all one-loop S for 3D supergravity and higher spin gravity in the presence of non-trivial holonomy. The first chapter is dedicated to the study of the vacuum one-loop correction of holographic HSGRAs in Anti-de Sitter space. { 3 the bulk higher-spin theory in this manner, and to study its locality properties. Higher spin gravity also appears in the context of a constructive derivation of holography for free field theory [18,19]. 21) reconstructs the equations of the Formal Higher Spin Gravity associated to a given higher spin algebra hs, whose deformation in the direction of π is determined by A u. We construct a covariant form of the corresponding field equations in all orders, thus completing the previous analysis of arXiv:2204. 2 Plan: broad overview of higher spin gravity and its application to AdS/CFT Various reviews: • Gaberdiel, Gopakumar, arxiv: 1207. The latter is a Frobenius Jun 13, 2024 · View a PDF of the paper titled Higher spin swampland conjecture for massive AdS$_{3}$ gravity, by R. Sundell, 4D higher spin gravity with dynamical two-form as a Frobenius-Chern-Simons gauge theory, arXiv:1505. We then study residual Jul 3, 2012 · Aiming at nonexperts, the key mechanisms of higher-spin extensions of ordinary gravities in four dimensions and higher are explained. We unfold the corresponding homological perturbation theory as to explicitly obtain all interaction vertices. As the first step, we refine Vasiliev's holography proposal in arXiv:1203. We note that it is not necessary to set u = 0 at the end of all calculations in order to get formally consistent equations. We present a proposal for the holographic computation of entanglement entropy in field theories dual to higher spin theories of Jul 5, 2011 · We look at the generalisation of topologically massive gravity (TMG) to higher spins, specifically spin-3. We construct covariant actions for contractions of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity that represent higher spin extensions of self-dual Yang-Mills and self-dual Gravity theories. There are various directions that are being investigated, but to my knowledge they all involve some sort of compromise. N. 5554 by obtaining 4D higher-spin gravity (HSG) and 3D coloured conformal higher-spin gravity (CCHSG) -- i. We give a concise review of HSGRAs followed by three chapters with original results. Phys. Feb 1, 2020 · A geometric formalism is developed which allows to describe the non-linear regime of higher-spin gravity emerging on a cosmological quantum space-time in the IKKT matrix model. in Abstract: We examine relative entropy in the context of the higher-spin/CFT duality. In the context of a rotating space station, it is the radial force provided by the spacecraft's hull that acts as centripetal force. Three-dimensional higher spin theories [22] are considerably simpler to work with than May 4, 2011 · We study classical solutions of three dimensional higher spin gravity in the Chern-Simons formulation. The equations of motion for the associated Weitzenböck torsion obtained in [1] are rewritten in the form of Yang-Mills-type equations Nov 18, 2020 · We introduce a new set of boundary conditions for three-dimensional higher spin gravity with gauge group SL(3, ℝ) × SL(3, ℝ), where its dynamics at the boundary is described by the members of the modified Boussinesq integrable hierarchy. With the frame-like fields and spin connections being combined into two gauge fields, the action includes two gauge field Chern-Simons actions with different levels, and also a linear term proportional to the difference of the gauge field strengths. 10285 . Sep 2, 2022 · We consider type-A higher-spin gravity in 4 dimensions, holographically dual to a free O(N) vector model. The black hole entropy formula yields a result for the asymptotic growth of the partition function at finite spin-3 chemical potential. Further duality and sp(2) ghost extensions lead to a FrobeniusChern-Simons action in which the sp(2) and higher spin gravity: A review Martin Ammon, Michael Gutperle, Per Kraus and Eric Perlmutter1 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA Abstract We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. Jorrit Kruthoff (Stanford U. As such, they offer great opportunities and pose important challenges. 14 Mar 26, 2024 · At present there are several classes of higher spin theories that evade the no-go theorems: (1) massless and conformal higher spin theories in three dimensions can be formulated as Chern-Simons theories; (2) conformal higher spin gravity in four dimensions is a higher spin extension of the Weyl gravity; (3) Chiral higher spin gravity is a Jul 3, 2020 · One of the main ideas behind Higher Spin Gravities is that the higher spin symmetry is expected to leave no room for counterterms, thereby eliminating UV divergences that make the pure gravity non-renormalizable. May 20, 2021 · We elaborate the description of the semi-classical gravity sector of Yang-Mills matrix models on a covariant quantum FLRW background. This result is equivalent to taking the minimal model (in the sense of L∞-algebras) of the Recently there is renewed interest in the ideas of Vasiliev, Fradkin and others on generalizing gravity theories on deSitter or Anti-deSitter spaces to include higher spin fields (utilizing known loopholes in the Weinberg-Witten theorem by including infinitely many higher spin fields and by working with asymptotic conditions that do not permit Jan 5, 2017 · We conjecture that Vasiliev's theory of higher spin gravity in four-dimensional de Sitter space (dS) is holographically dual to a three-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) living on the We consider Einstein gravity with positive cosmological constant coupled with higher spin interactions and calculate Euclidean path integral perturbatively. Another [17] relates a higher spin theory in AdS3 to a certain two-dimensional conformal field theory with enhanced W-algebra symmetry. The asymptotic symmetries Apr 20, 2022 · Higher spin JT gravity and a matrix model dual. Dec 14, 2016 · We conjecture that Vasiliev's theory of higher spin gravity in four-dimensional de Sitter space (dS 4) is holographically dual to a three-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT 3) living on the spacelike boundary of dS 4 at future timelike infinity. Further investigation of the second as-sumption, in particular using the explicit couplings of chiral higher-spin gravity [11,12], is left for future work. e-Print: Mar 20, 2019 · Download a PDF of the paper titled Chaos in Three-dimensional Higher Spin Gravity, by Prithvi Narayan and Junggi Yoon. While it is somehow natural to speculate that higher-spin symmetries cap- Feb 26, 2024 · Scattering of two Kerr Black Holes emitting gravitational waves can be captured by an effective theory of a massive higher-spin field interacting with the gravitational field. representation). May 29, 2020 · N. A drawback is that the astronauts would be moving between higher gravity near the ends and lower gravity near the center. Particularly intriguing is the presence of higher spin gauge transformations that redefine notions of invariance in gravity: the existence of event horizons and singularities in the metric become gauge dependent. Among other things, this fact indicates that higher-spin theory should be closely related to String Theory because the latter also contains higher-spin states. boundary condition in [96]. A promising research program which addresses the problem of quantum gravity is string theory, which indeed has a spectrum containing in nitely many massive excita-tions of increasing mass and spin. There are also twistor constructions for the interactions of chiral higher-spin gravity [63] and higher-spin generalizations of the IKKT matrix mode [64{67]. Surprisingly, there are a good many conserved p-form currents with various p. The fixed spin sectors of the dual CFT$_2$ exhibit features that starkly go beyond conventional Aug 28, 2020 · The aim of this thesis is to explore the quantum aspects of Higher Spin Gravities (HSGRAs) and their underlining algebraic structures. In the unbroken phase, we examine how decorated Wilson loops collapse to zero-form charges and exploit them to enlarge the Vasiliev system with new interactions. The role of this section is to put this idea on a more concrete footing. We then study residual Contents Abstract xiii Credits xv Acknowledgments xvi General Presentation 1 I Dimension 3 8 Invitation 10 1 Higher Spins in Dimension 3 13 1. 2219] . We extend our results to define two different families of higher-spin extensions of three It has always been difficult to make a quantum theory of higher-spin gravity work. Applying the time integral part of \(\xi \) 3-dimensional Yang-Mills-Higgs theory [59] and conformal higher-spin theory [60,61], as well as deforma-tions of N= 4 super-Yang-Mills and conformal shnet theory [62]. Aug 29, 2011 · We conjecture that Vasiliev’s theory of higher spin gravity in four-dimensional de Sitter space (dS4) is holographically dual to a three-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT3) living on the spacelike boundary of dS4 at future timelike infinity. All structure maps are given by the integrals over the configuration space of concave polygons and the first two maps are related to the (Shoikhet-Tsygan-)Kontsevich Formality. After discussing the reasons for interest in the theory, we will focus on the equations of motion and their content. at the level of equations of motion. Dec 20, 2022 · Conformal Higher Spin Gravity is a higher spin extension of Weyl gravity and is a family of local higher spin theories, which was put forward by Segal and Tseytlin. While other compact objects should activate a multitude of non-minimal interactions it is the black holes that should be captured by the simplest minimal interaction. 54 pages. It is in this Mar 4, 2024 · In this work and in the companion paper arXiv:2403. The asymptotic symmetries Apr 13, 2023 · Download a PDF of the paper titled Asymptotic dynamics of three dimensional supergravity and higher spin gravity revisited, by Wout Merbis and 1 other authors Mar 25, 2024 · Higher spin gravities do not have a low energy limit where higher-spin fields decouple from gravity. “conformal higher-spin gravity” is understood as the higher-spin extension of Weyl’s conformal gravity. We construct a covariant form of this theory as a Free Differential Algebra up to NLO, i. Chiral Higher Spin Gravity is a unique class of local higher spin theories; its very existence implies that there is a closed and, most likely, integrable sub-sector of Chern Jun 27, 2024 · Chiral higher spin gravity is defined in terms of a strong homotopy algebra of pre-Calabi-Yau type (noncommutative Poisson structure). 1 Furthermore, another standard recipe in higher-spin gravity is to pack the tower of metric-like fields of all ranks into a single generating function on the cotangent bundle, which can be interpreted as the symbol of a differential Apr 25, 2023 · We consider minimal type-A higher-spin (HS) gravity in four dimensions, at tree level. 1 Gravity as a Gauge Theory in Dimension 3 . Sezgin and P. However, infinite number of topological quotients of this space by discrete subgroups of the Artificial gravity space station. Steinacker Download a PDF of the paper titled Exploring the gravity sector of emergent higher-spin gravity: effective action and a solution, by Stefan Fredenhagen and Harold C. We propose a manifestly covariant and coordinate-independent action for these theories. Usually, the spectrum of such theories contains the graviton as a massless spin-two field, which explains the second name. It is described by a SL(3) \\times SL(3) Chern-Simons Vol. The trace Jul 4, 2024 · Higher spin gravities do not have a low energy limit where higher-spin fields decouple from gravity. 01399. mks isqrk wxu wqmnv dhclt uwudo dazef araggz gknlxtn hrox