Turning 25 feel old reddit. br/mgha6e/understanding-motor-controls-pdf.

  • I find where so many people are stuck in this social media pseudo-world, where everything is young, full of face filters and many smoke and mirrors, and A LOT OF THAT clouds our judgements and regards about being old as if it’s a bad things. 27 feel like I’m failing at life Im not sure if this will make me feel any better, but I must voice my frustrations out. Its a social myth that you should have a secure career or success when in your twenties. I’m turning 28 soon and feel super old and also depressed bc I thought my life would be at a different place at this age. If you have an idea for something that would improve this sub, feel free to send us a modmail anytime. Up until 24, I didn’t think twice about age. The Average life span is almost 80 years so you're only about half way. I don’t think it really matters how old you get as long as you don’t eat a bunch of junk. I can't help but look back on all the missed time tho. Flair is also enabled so feel free to use that if you want. I turned 25 on Tuesday June 13th. Time will come when you are ready. I’m turning 20 next month and just had my first kid in March. You're still in your 20s, you're still young as well. My parents are getting older. Knowing that its all downhill from here. I wanted to build my career and was super passionate about it. Time is such a scary thing. I think it's because 25 is a pivotal time. I spoke with Leslie Bell, a psychotherapist in Berkeley, California, to learn more about the science behind this period of Wtf you’re only 25!!! You are not allowed to feel old at 25. I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own I know it sounds silly 21 isn’t old, but I’m turning 21 soon and often feel like i haven’t done much with my life. I already feel really old or too old to experience some things, when watching movies set in high school I feel depressed because I spent all my school years first bullied then depressed. Ok 21 does not open up and is not about having fun. My slightly younger sibling (still much older) is study philosophy for the first time, learning business practices, etc. I was miserable and short-tempered for my entire 25th birthday. 27 here - honestly, late 20s feel a lot more grounded and like I understand myself and what I want a lot better than mid-20s. Now I feel like my life and youth is fleeting by because when once I turn 19 it’ll be my ‘official’ last year as a I'm 21 and feel younger than ever. I woke up and my back hurt. Turning 18 in the 1950s was bad, turning 18 in the 2020s is worse, and unless something major changes, turning 18 in the 2050s will be hellish. It’s a part of our reality. I'm 32, felt the same at your age, feel younger now than 25. Whether you finally recognize that they actually have your best interests in mind or you forgive them for being flawed human beings, you can’t happily enter adulthood with that familial brand of resentment. Dec 11, 2018 · I was worried about turning 25 the moment I turned 24. I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own mind. When I bent down to pick it up, my back decided that I was going to stay down for a while. First off, congrats on scoring that full-time gig again. So I quit my job a few months ago during an episode and I feel like I've been in and out of depression and mania. I just turned 25 and for some reason, this specific age and being now in my mid twenties is freaking me out. I’m turning 26 this year and I refuse to feel old anymore because I know I’ll just realize it was young when I’m 30, and realize that’s young at 40, etc. When you're a kid you think being 16 is soooo old, but when you're adult you feel like 16 is soooooo young. I still feel 17. I am not happy. Im 39, married for 17 years with 2 kids and absolutely dont feel old. I was a non traditional college student so I was still do that and working part time and I don’t want to say that I did have a care in the world but I took care of my responsibilities, worked, studied and played. But why you are feeling this has also got to do with your goals and ambitions. Working became my life kinda. MY KIDS ARE OLDER THAN YOU ARE. Wait until you are older and feel old at 21, 25, 30, 40 etc Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app I don't feel like my life began until my mid 20's, and the person I was at 25 is so far from who I am now in my late 20's it's crazy. Though people say i am doing good, i personally feel i have regressed in last three years, three years ago i got a job and kinda settled down People are just changing around me , some are getting married and having kids, doing masters, moving cities. I was young enough that I could still act like an idiot but old enough to know when not to be an idiot. I feel like i blew away my youth. And probably have children of their own… Guys i’m 25, born in 1995 I feel so old. Since 25 I've gone from eating bologna in a one bedroom apartment in the middle of nowhere to having a net worth of over a million dollars. I've been having a difficult time lately finding the right place to shop. I'm officially two decades old. I am a 27 year old man, who has failed completely at life. I haven’t been able to stop crying. I'm sure they are, I don't know it's just i'm really down about this birthday. I wasted all my teenage years and that's why i feel like i'm still stuck at being a teen and still trying to make up for it. It will take days but once something interesting in life happens, it will go away. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Me born in 97 is turning 25 soon :( That makes me feel old my lil brother was born in 2004 when I See full list on elitedaily. Some people are living your dream life and will hit rock bottom and have to start over. Hey man I have been there and I know what it feels like. Does anybody else deal with this? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Turned 40 recently myself. Kinda sad that only our bodies get older, not the mind, so it’s totally fine to feel still 25. Reply reply Based on the competive nature of work in general, 25 is definitely failure status compared to a 14 year old, middle schooler who can fundamentally do the same physical work. It's not about what you did the first half, but what you do the second half. Decline begins late 20s Thats exactly the problem. The thing that sucks most about being 50 is losing your parents and aunts, uncles, etc. You will still grow as a person. I'm 35 but still think of myself in my head as 23. and I know you're (as well as everyone above 25) gonna laugh at being 18 and feeling old lmao, but I did. When I was younger, all I ever wanted was to grow up, fall in love, have a family, and grow old with someone. I didn't set myself up to be what I could have been and honestly I feel broke, even though I know some people have it much worse off. 37 here. To older people you have no idea how ridiculous it sounds to hear a 25 year old complain about aging. At 30-33 now, everything I had blew up. Even past their ages at like 19-22 I was just going through the worst time of my life. Trust me ,you are at a way better position than most of us ,it's just your insecurities that's bothering you. You're still kinda young, but at the same time, your 30s is creeping up. If you have Neurodiversity, you are probably a bit delayed emotionally, so you are really where a 20-year-old would be. I've changed in the past 5 years though, really enjoy getting home after work and listening to a podcast while I cook dinner, and have a Ranch Water. I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own Hey everyone. Oct 1, 2016 · I just turned 25, and I’m trying to figure out how to claim this age. SOME OF MY FRIENDS HAVE GRANDKIDS OLDER THAN YOU ARE. I also struggled to recall my age at 25 and now the same at 26. Turn 30 then talk to a 20 year old. The job market, looming existential crises, expansion of the internet, etc. So enjoy the ride while you can. Im 17 (turning 18 this december, 2004 gang :D) and i feel old as fuck lol In my opinion, the reason why teenagers feel old is cuz nostalgia, it usually strikes as hard as lightning, so that’s prolly why I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own mind. I too am a 35-year old loser living with parents and searching for a real job. I've been very self indulgent over the past few months; drinking and having unprotected sex with people. It's actually a gift. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS Turning 25 in a month and already feel old 26 is not too old be starting life, but it is also too young to feel like a failure. I'm a 25 year old male who's turning 26 this year and I've never had a girlfriend, kissed a girl, been on a date or had sex. I remember before being 25 thinking 25 was so old lol Now I think its so young! 25 is a great age. I just… feel it. When you get older, you'll look back and wish like hell you were 25 again. I see people put a range of 25-29/34 which makes me feel so old and I don't have anything in common with those in the 30s or late 20s and still feel I have more in common with the 18-24 bracket. I looked at what others were achieving, or what they had or who they were. But aging and getting older also scares me. For some it happens early while for some it takes time. I SWEAR I was 18 yesterday and next month I turn 30. You're gonna hate my advice. . My friends have been settling down and getting married for the last 4 years and I am suddenly the lone single person who is essentially on my own fending I turned 40 this year and I can honestly say turning 25 was my hardest time. I know graduating from college is a big accomplishment, but I've been feeling like a failure. I somehow escaped all of this. And don't feel bad, you seem to be smarter and wiser than you give yourself credit for. Neither was turning 40. i know it’s technically not old but suddenly i’m pushing 30. I’m not happy with my job as I’m not making much even though I have a degree and I’ve been actively applying at other jobs but most of the places I heard back from basically sent me emails that they’re moving on with other candidates. I feel bad they have to work. I feel like a kid but I feel like i’m 50. When I graduated it felt like the world was opening up, and there was a feeling of hope in the future with all of the social progress being made and counter-culture idealism. This advice is all too true. that said i still dress the same style as i did 15 years ago. I feel you, I’m 32 years old on the autism spectrum since I was 3 years old. My 60+ year old dad says he still doesn’t feel old, and perhaps some of us are predisposed to “youthful energy”, but I think there’s also some choice in mindset. It still doesn't feel real. I'm about to turn 20 this year, the idea terrifies me. Even at 39+ I can still say that “I’m in my 30s” and hold on to a bit of youth. I guess overall it's okay but most days I don't feel like I'm taking much of that home. I realize that there are other joys I will learn to appreciate later in life, like having kids, being a uncle, even grandparent one day, but I am not ready for those things yet. You're in a period of great opportunity right now. I feel like at 25 its too late to start anything new. I wish society wasnt obsessed with age and when you need things done by. It’s not about turning 25, I’ve had this feeling since I was 15. Everyone else is accomplishing so much and I’m just here with a kid tryna keep my sanity together as a single mom while people are like actually accomplishing amazing things around me and it feels wierd Bc I feel like I’m behind but ahead I feel so scared like im getting old, and like I’ve achieved nothing, i have nothing figured out while a bunch of my friends are getting married and figuring themselves out. Don't worry, you're not gonna turn into someone else now that you're hitting 25 :) I'm 23 in college with a bunch of 20 yo's and even I feel really old and that I got a late start. It was great –another year passing. I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own At 25-30 I was pretty stoked, things were working out, I felt like I finally had a handle on things. Pretty much nobody has their shit figured out at 25. I recently came across this list of things to do before turning 25: “25 Things To Do Before You Turn 25 Make peace with your parents. You’ll be fine It's a real thing you can look it up. It was a whole new world. It's a glass half empty kind of a situation. We got coffee and saw a movie and in the moment, I kissed her (my first kiss even if I feel I did it wrong because it was just a quick peck and not a long kiss), but decided I wasn't in a great place to continue seeing her. I just turned this age and I feel super old all of a sudden. I’ll go weeks without thinking about it and then I’ll see some random thing like “this song came out 25 years ago!” and then it’s “Damn, I’m getting old-ish” Nov 14, 2017 · As terrifying as it may sound, turning 25 can be a very positive experience. They have all these hopes and dreams and are doing all these fun activities that I feel would be immature for me to do. My younger brother is 20 and I can’t even relate to him at all, we are only 5 years apart but he uses all this slang and talks about all this stuff that I don’t really understand and he’s still so carefree while I have a full time job working as an 16 votes, 34 comments. It feels like at 25 Im finally getting a taste of freedom but its too late to start or explore life like a person would at such an earlier age. Turning 25 was rough for me. Don’t know what i have done so far. It hurts the most when im around high school coworkers. ” I’d gotten to the point where my career was no longer demanding extras (no more exams to take for certifications) and I realized I could still learn things. No big panic though. So I am close to 24 and I feel like this is the end of my youth. It's easy to follow a load of 20/23 year old Instagram girls because there's endless amounts of them and they all pretty much look exactly the same You are a real woman, who has a lot of love to give clearly and that only increases your 'value' in most men's eyes. Nor did I feel old at even 29. 25 is honestly the perfect time to start having fun and drinking because your brain is way more developed and your chances of being an alcoholic goes way down the later you start drinking. We feel like young adults but are still planning out our future will keep growing in many ways for the rest of our lives. I see people say 26 is pushing 30 or near/almost 30 and I feel super old compared to young adults such as those who are 18-25 and my youth is over. I know this is an old post, but I just turned 25 a couple days ago. Cuz honestly, once I log off, I still feel a part of the “youth”, but it just feels like all these people on the internet expect that I shed that and move on. I make 8. You are exactly where you should be right now. com Turning 20 in a few months, don’t feel ready for this, I just feel like now It’s way more pressure, and I never felt like I was ready or belonged to the the real world anyway… 20 to me is like “Hello! time to deal with real life and responsibilities, you should know what you’re doing here by now”. My kids are old enough to do the yard work, and now we make enough to have/do most things that we couldn't at 30. I'm 24 turning 25 in 5 months. Where were you at 27-28, I feel like a failure. 75 votes, 19 comments. As an 18-year old (turning 19) with a 20-year-old brother (turning 21). View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Yes talk to a professional surely like the others have suggested. The idea of being outside the 18-24 age range makes me feel so old and I am no longer a young adult. I learned around your age that always feeling old just ruins your youth. Yeah, you've had your share of ups and downs, but that's life for most people. In few months i will be turning 25 and it somehow creates anxiety inside me . 1. Seriously it goes so fast and you never really mentally feel older, so it always feels like yesterday. I make 80K as a Professional Engineer in a big city in the South. For, like, no reason at all. someone convince me i’m still semi youthful 25 is not old. Exercise regularly (especially when you don't w Ug, tell me about it I think I'm finally going to give in to botox this year. Quit talking like your life is over and get out there and start living it! And I’ll let you in on a secret from someone old enough to be your mum - nobody has their life set up at 25. I wasn't in the same boat as you at 26, BUT I was 26 with over $120,000 in Debt (School, Car, House), on the verge of a divorce and child support with an okay paying job and no one to help. Being old at 25 its a state of colective thinking, probabily your too old for partying. Of course looking back I wish I could have been happier or appreciated it more but that does nothing to change how I felt at the time. 23 votes, 16 comments. In a few short years. It felt to me like she was the older one and i was still this high school girl but im not! Dude me too. We invite users to post interesting questions about the UK that create informative, good to read, insightful, helpful, or light-hearted discussions. lame request, but I turn 25 soon and was wondering if anyone has any songs to accompany the dreadful day There’s nothing deep about biological function, if 20 year old you and 35 year old you had the same diet lifestyle etc 20 year old you would outperform older you. I'm 38 and I remember being 20 like it was yesterdayI had a friend that was 23 and I thought she was old lol. It is such a transional time in life and you feel the weight of your past and future so heavily. 45 at age 25 in a shitty retail job where most people seem to hate each other, I ride a bicycle 50 miles each week between school and work. Now I'm 42. I miss being immature and carefree. I definitely don’t feel how I envisioned 40 to be. Work full time, have a child etc - but in my head I'm 23. I literally feel like a creepy old lady who acts like a teenager. It has nothing to do with philosophy I was being literal. I knew that was just making me feel bad, and at some point, I just decided to be the best u/PM_me_allthepuppies that I Super old 25 year old typing this. I don’t really do anything special when I’m feeling it. Don't let the people who lie to themselves lie to you. The wiki is also enabled, so feel free to muck about there. I had a child a year later at 20. From your perspective, you feel that way and thus it's authentic for you. For me 25 was a good age. e. I am 26 and in the Midwest. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla I don’t feel like I have nothing to show for 40 years, and overall am happy with how things turned out, but the thought of turning 40 depresses me. Maybe you wanted to achieve a lot more by 21 than you have currently. I have no friends and no social life. Dude, relax and stop worrying about time, I'm almost 40 but feel like a teenager (minus the all day long energy), age is just a number while you are healthy. - That's an arbritrary number. I felt old at 21 then realized for young that was at 24. i dont feel accomplished at all , i feel i am fallen short of what i thought i should be at 25 I could sense some changes in my body in past year, like my skin type changed from oily to dry . Even when you’re 30, 40, or 50. I have no friends either, I have shit habits, yet the engine continues to run. The #1 subreddit for Brits and non-Brits to ask questions about life and culture in the United Kingdom. I had a great birthday, I got engaged, Covid began, which sucked but hey was memorable lol and I got married. At this stage,I still feel like a young adult being in the transitional stage of adulthood and like the 18-23 or late teens/early 20s demographic but I have heard folks say 24 is when folks act like real adults and own houses/get married and have kids, but that seems so far for me and if it does, it makes me worried I am stunted I'm turning 25 today and I feel like shit. So change after 25 is more of a steady process of growth. Obviously never think or do something like suicide or any crime it’s wrong, but it’s not a fun time (your 20s) I’m 20 born late 2000 but I can’t wait till I’m 60 in 40 years so that way my life will soon be over and I don’t have much longer seeing all the My older brother is a younger Gen-Xer. It can be quite scary if you've not got your life on track. Now than I am “old” and established, I own my own home with my husband, and we can afford to go on date nights as much as we want, and go on international vacations every year. I'm turning 26 in a few days too! Happy birthday to us! :D I remember at 24, I thought "oh man turning 25 will feel so weird. Halfway until forty. There was something about turning 25 that felt like a big turning point for me, like I couldn’t hide behind the excuse of “I’m just in my early 20’s” anymore. It just feels a bit surreal. All at 25! Im turning 19 in about two weeks and I feel really weird about it. Watching your family members get old is hard and sad. Birthdays meant more freedom, more money, more! I Agreed I still feel the same as I did when I was 18. To be 25 again! My advice to you, my dear 25-year-old self, is this: Embrace the uncertainty of life, for it is in the midst of chaos that true wisdom is found. You missed out on a couple of years, tops. Good grief, now I feel old! Once upon a time, I felt like you do. 24 votes, 28 comments. Honestly, it’s hard for me to imagine a time I’ll ever “feel” old mentally. Jun 29, 2022 · Are you feeling old at 25? Don't worry, that's not always a bad thing. There is no timeline but your own. Remember, the more you know, the less you understand. Years have gone by where I have isolated myself and achieved nothing, and as a result, I have been having suicidal thoughts over the feeling of not living life to my potential. At 25, your life is just getting started. Still feel like I did in my 20’s. Many don’t have their life set up at 35, or even 45. When the first 20 years of your life are shit you can at least think "one day this will all get better". The oldest 1999 borns are turning 25 in 2 months and all Zillennials will be 25+ at the end of We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Yes, but have your shit together so you don’t get blind sided by reality at 30-35 I feel like at their age I was so lost and trapped in my own mind. You do realize people drink and have fun even at 60+ let alone 25. I guess i’ll start by saying i’ve had severe anxiety and crippling depression from 14-23. Seek not to control the world around you, but to flow with it like water, adapting to every twist and turn. Eat healthy. So when you turn 40 you'll feel like you just turned 30 yesterday. And to be honest, I'm… Some information about me: I'm 25 years old (male), just turned 25 on May 1st, and I feel like I've failed in life. Turning 25 was literally the worst "I'm getting older and I don't like it" moment of my life. 35 votes, 38 comments. It's not a race, it's a marathon. Turning 27 on November 30 and knowing that in 2026 I'll become 30 does make me feel rather uneasy, though thankfully due my culture (Ethiopian), I still live with my parents and honestly their support and comfort does make things feel a bit better overall. I feel like the pandemic made my early 20s fly by. I feel like my good days are behind me. I gotta get used to it or it will catch me off guard. I was married at 19 to someone in their late 20’s. If you really want to depend on tomorrow for your happiness ,let me tell you that 119 votes, 56 comments. But if you want to overcome it, take time to celebrate your progress. He has trouble with recall and task completion; a group of us goes on ballgame roadtrips each year, and this guy is no longer allowed to buy the tickets or hotel rooms for the group after several years of elemental, trip-wrecking screwups. Now I’m turning 25, I’m still sick although getting better. But I didn't work to make it happen and I wasn't overly attracted to the girl, so I don't feel too excited about it. Like I'm a quarter of a century old. Bro I'm older and I get what you're saying, but if I were 25 again, the world would be my oyster. another friend of similar age is learning programming after years of service industry. I'm almost there and I already feel old with the aches, inability to eat certain foods without having issues, and I can't stay up past 10pm without regretting it the next day. Turning 27 and ngsb. Personal tragedy, divorce, deaths, multiple serious hospitalizations, life threw me so hard for a loop I wondered if I wasn't cut out out for this shit. Truly great post, I really enjoyed reading. My advice: try to I’m 25, I know I’m not that old but man I am really starting to feel old, or at least “older”. I've played Ice Hockey almost my entire life, and now that I've hit this age I have this lingering knee pain that won't quit. Under 21 is a lot of fun but once you reach that age life becomes miserable. Hey. I feel like I can’t even live my youth and I feel like i’m not doing anything for my future. Youthfulness is a complicated thing to recover or keep so I'm really trying to treasure the feeling So im 24f almost turning 25 and i literally panic because I really don't even feel like an adult. I just feel so behind and like im too old to not have everything together, im dreading turning 25 i feel like my youth is over. He holds down a minimally demanding job, a gig 25-year-old him would have scoffed at. Like I get it you missed out on some stuff but the idea that people stop having fun after 25 is far from the truth. My face too has changed a lot . But I started following a number of older fashion and fitness influencers, and it's giving me some inspiration! I'm not actually as afraid of giving up the "hot piece of ass" status of youth - it made me feel like an interchangeable prey anim Turning 50 isn't so bad. Anyway… not just some 24yo feeling old one day, this is everyday. My advice is being patient and loving with your family, don't make bad decisions to make friends or keep friends because only a small handful stay true (most times). There's obvs lots of confusion/quarter-life-crisising around 25 which is perfectly normal (and damn based on your age it makes sense you feel younger than you are given how covid warped time, but from experience - things only get better! In my experience, I feel about 100% happier, younger, more attractive, and fulfilled as a nearly 29-year-old then I was at 25/26. Take care of your body, workout, stay healthy. Hi! So i’m a (F23) turning 24 and I’m feeling pretty unaccomplished with life. 25 was rough for me too. Like I know i’m not necessarily old but like I am at the same time lol. 1, just flat out awkward. That's a step in the right direction. Ever since I've turned about sixteen, the… So, full disclaimer, I'm consciously aware that life doesn't end at 25 however my societal conditioning has told me that on my birthday in a month, my *youth* will be over and I will turn into a spooky old lady after that. I’m a 25-year-old woman and I’ve been struggling every day since turning 25. I always hear that women are most “valued” by this society and treated the best in their early 20s. true. If I think back to who I was at 25, she's very similar to who I am now. I graduated in 2021 and have been trying to find a job ever since. I am an introvert by nature and I'm very shy. Sorry for this giant ramble. I come from a culture/religion where the focus is always on, and has always been on, getting married before 25 or at 25 & here I am, 25, and completely I’m turning 25 next week. In brief: you already know all the secrets to happiness. You'll be fine. It's something to work on in therapy, to be sure, but I'm trying to combat the feelings of "lost time" by doing as much i’m 18 which i feel like is the age where you first truly start feeling somewhat conscious about getting old since you’re technically an adult and will graduate/have graduated from high school. Today was a rude awaking when i realized how young i felt talking to a 21 year old. A few months ago, I dropped a quarter. As for having life figured out, settling, and not making mistakes -- that just is complete bullshit and anyone trying to say that's what you should be doing at 25+ is flat out wrong. I feel dumb sometimes, i am just doing sip and fd , i am yet to learn about insurance / stocks etc. " So - I started thinking of myself as "25 yrs old" while I was 24. I feel old. But the day I turned 30, whoa. I'm not mocking you. As for scho I know I’m not old, I know I’m very young still but I feel old. I've become obsessed with anti aging, to at least keep the appearances once I'm older. I feel like people look at 25 as a some sort of "I've got to start getting my shit together age", but to me I'm still in my 20s let me do dumb shit. Business, Economics, and Finance. I would have, at your age. 607K subscribers in the selfie community. I don’t feel anyways about it. One thing is for sure: you don’t turn 25 every day, so enjoy it while it lasts! Whether you’re turning 25 soon or next year, here are 25 of the most positive things you should already know by now. He's been telling me for years that when I hit my 40s, I am going to really start feeling old. I already can imagine the wrinkles appearing on my face and the moment i realize i'm getting truly old. I feel like 28 was the real turning point where I didn’t feel like an immature “practicing adult, still feel like a student thing. I’m not scared of getting old, every birthday is a remainder that I had one more year living and sharing moments with people I love, and many people weren’t that lucky. Shoot, I'm turning 25 next week. Enjoy it! A lot happened to me at 25 mostly good though. Getting old is a part of life. Living in big city, hard to make friends and a lot of my friends moved away to other city. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I didn't feel particularly old at 24 or 25. I tried to say it was my period, or hormones, or some other typical misogynistic excuse to feel less of a burden to those around me- but it’s just not. Okay lol. It was like the moment I realized I wasn't a kid anymore, and had to be an adult for the rest of my life. I really don’t feel “old” but most younger people see 30 that way from where they’re sitting lol so enjoy 20 and every other year to the fullest extent you can 🖤 best of luck to you! 🖤 So I turn 24 in a couple of months and I already feel like I'm an "old man" that has peaked and it's all 50-60 years of downhill from here on out. I spent my teen years being assaulted by men and my early 20s being sick (terrible systemic allergy which made me swollen and ugly). Someone should have told me sooner, lol. I couldn't find a job until late 2014 at a Ross no less (yes, the discount store). I'm saving this comment for my own help too. Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Express, etc are targeted toward the younger teen to early 20s audience. You're 26, not dead. Whereas when I think of 18 year old me, she's a totally different person. Getting old sucks. Saying you aren’t fully grown until 25 isn’t 100% true. Photograph of Yourself, Taken By Yourself turning 26 in a month and feeling super old. But 20 is like "You're getting old now boy, time to get a job, stop playing video games and think about your future" It’s okay to feel so, but you can also use this as motivation to turn things around step by step. Come here to see who shares your birthday. Despite your age if you feel young you ARE young, its a state of mind. I'm turning 35 in June, mentally still feel like i did when i was 20, but the day i realised that my hairline was reclining was the day i realised that people might think i look old, i think i was 30 back when that happened. Your body begins deteriorating faster than it can keep up with, that’s why we age, that’s why we die. I guess I’m just hoping that someone can give me hope because I feel so left behind in every area possible. See I feel about 28-30, I'm 43 but pretty active, and I'm an old skater dude so I still wear Vans. Since the movie takes place in 2002, Mei and her friends would be in their 30s now. Enjoy it. Turning 30 wasn't nearly as bad. I’m afraid of my skin aging, my body changing, getting off my parents insurance, etc. Don't feel bad about yourself turning 25 because: 25 is objectively young, and being old isn't bad anyway. As someone who’s turning 25 this year, reading this stuff makes me feel terribly old, and the whole thing has honestly given me lots of anxiety. I also feel like stores such as, Anthropologie, Loft, and Banana Republic are directed towards the older crowd. Mental development definitely changes throughout the year. Forget what everyone has to say—turning 25 is not scary. I felt old at 18 then realized how young that was at 21. Why would turning 25 suddenly make you change alltogether and never be in touch with the same group you were literally a day ago? And like, being old or young is a matter of perspective anyways. I feel like most stores, i. Also, my boyfriend is 4 1/2 years younger than me, we started dating just three months ago when I was still 24 but since turning 25 I feel so old and like he'll eventually leave me when i look too old for his liking and get unatractive --a moment that seems to be approaching far too quickly with the sudden increase in ageing speed. I didn’t finish community college or get a driver’s license due to other circumstances and opportunities plus I work part time while living at home on disability benefits. Stop being so hard on yourself. Im still at uni, I want to travel, meet someone have kids get a job etc but often feels like I don’t actually have much time to do all the stuff I want to do like travel or ever meet the right person. For the past 2 1/2 years I have been freaking out. But on the human life scale, you are objectively young. No. I pretty much have no experience when it comes to romance or intimacy. People want so badly to believe that they're leaving a better world for their children that they generally aren't open to considering the alternative. It’s almost surreal? I’m currently also a university student and started when I was 16 which in the place I live, it’s a pretty big accomplishment. I graduated from college in 2013 with a BA in political science. it didn’t really hit me as hard while i was 18 in high school, but once i graduated, i was like “well damn, i’m an actual young adult now huh” I'm turning 25 in two weeks!! My b-day is May 31st. You're just in a slump right now, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move forward. In my mind, I've been 25 for two years. I feel very lonely, unwanted and unappreciated. I still feel like I’m 17 but with the benefit of a decade+ of experience and wisdom. 40 though…I’m getting OLD and 50 will be here before I know it 🥲 I turn 30 next year. only real difference is that i now have a wife and two At 45, I started eating healthy and working out, as well as working on my anxiety and depression, and I feel so much younger than I did at even 25 years old. Lastly, time FLIES. Yes it does feel lonely most of the time and sometimes it’s really unbearable esp during hardships. Surprisingly, turning 25 was much worse than turning 30. I hate celebrating my birthday. I feel like I missed out. I have a 35 year olds life though. Just working. I feel like a failure. I have no savings, no job, my credit is bad and I still live with my parents. 19 felt like 18. That was the time I knew I’d be dropping out completely and working because the house had been in foreclosure for years. I’ve heard so many people talk about how their life changed in their 30s, 40s, 50s. It feels awful. I turned 40 literally as the Pandemic shut everything down, so it didn't feel real (about turning 40) because I was locked away for awhile, just like everyone else. I’m about to turn 25 and the world is already a lot different than when I was your age. wsib lcywilbg moozu ldgk pycujw qfaouah zad xlem lzgbl wkvg

Turning 25 feel old reddit. Turn 30 then talk to a 20 year old.